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“No matter where you go, there you are.”

May 24, 2024

Today, actually yesterday, was a travel day. We have been looking forward to this day since the “we shall not speak of the canceled Viking Ocean Cruise to Greece due to my positive test for COVID.”

Yesterday we flew from Boston to Iceland and on to Norway. I cannot tell you all the times and flight numbers, but we made it. There was no rest on the plane and it always amazes me that some people can fall asleep instantly, but I am not one of them. Nonetheless, Skip and I are safely here in (drum roll) Bergan, Norway. It is too early to make an impression when you are exhausted

“Tiredness is like a high-five from the universe – it means you’ve been putting in the work…or staying up too late watching cat videos!” ~ Author Unknown

I took photos from the plane window above Iceland and Norway, and I can not wait to explore from a more “human-eyed” view after a long sleep.

“My energy conservation plan: resting now so I can shine later!” ~ Author Unknown

 “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” ~ Izaak Walton

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